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Zhao Lingling
Merchandise Format: Printed book
Language: Russian
Language Skill: Reading
Language Level: Advanced | Chinese Researchers
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Only when people get enough to eat can they behave well and can the whole world develop peacefully. During the 30 years after itsreform and opening-up, China has undergone tremendous changes and its achievements in social economy have surprised the whole world. The greatest achievement China has made for its livelihood issue should be the success in helping its 1.3 billion people get rid of hunger completely. This book talks about China’s agriculturalinnovations using the example of hybrid rice as itsmain theme, in order to show you the development process of a series of agriculture science and technology achievements. It focuses on China’s achievements in relation toscientific research, product promotion, management mode, operation mode and other aspects, and fully displays China’s creative spirit in the thriving agriculture development and the great contribution China has made for the whole world.

This book comprehensively shows the historical background, development process and outstanding representatives of the industry. It gives an introduction to innovations inbiological low-carbon agriculture of high-value, and goes on to discuss China’s promotion of agricultural technology, to China’s innovations in agriculture industrialization, etc. The content is rich and the key issues and figures are emphasized, with all points and aspects displayed using both pictures and text.

Zhao Lingling, a senior agricultural experts, university professors

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Price: ¥118.00 CNY
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Merchandise ID: 006114
ISBN13: 9787508529752
Publication Date: 2015-1
Pages: 148 pages
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