Chinese Phonetics is one of the teaching material series named China Panorama. It is designed and compiled for those students who study the Chinese language as beginners.
Chinese is a language with tones. It is difficult for most of foreign students to master its pronunciation, so teachers who teach Chinese to foreign students pay much attention to the teaching of pronunciation. They know that the difficulties which students from different countries have in learning are not the same, and studying them and finding ways to overcome them will help students to improve their studies, therefore the book Chinese Phonetics is written. This book is suitable for those students whose mother tongue is English or who use English as a medium language. In order to increase the interest in learning the pronunciation, Chinese Phonetics uses the method of learning the pronunciation through speaking. The book lays stress on centralized practice of pronunciation as well as good foundation of it. No Chinese characters appear in the book and this is the main difference from other teaching materials.
For the purpose of helping the learners to obtain a standard pronunciation of the language, Chinese Phonetics stresses the imitation of pronunciation and its exercises stress the training of difficult pronunciations and tones. The book has been provided with cassettes and videotapes for those who plan on studying this course inside or outside classroom.